Monthly Archives: August 2016

Buy One and Get One 10% Off!

Buy One Get One 10% OffWe are running another Buy One and Get One 10% Off Sale on everything in our eBay store. This includes vintage, special run and brand new models including the Mid Year Releases and BreyerFest 2016 exclusive Special Runs. The sale runs through Friday.

Why The Silence?

Bayacosta GABayacosta GAHi guys. I apologize for the radio silence. The family is finally all back from BreyerFest after what can only be described as a rather grueling BreyerFest and return trip. There has been a lot going on here and not all is model related. I know a lot of you have real horses. I have a wonderful Andalusian mare named Baya. I have not been able to ride with any frequency in years. She is a very sensitive horse and is becomes depressed when she isn’t being lavished with attention. She thrives on human contact and thoroughly loves having a job. I put out a single halfhearted ad offering her out on free lease as either a riding horse or as a broodmare. I received one response from what sounds like the perfect lessee who would like to use her as both a riding horse and as Baya's FarmBaya's Farma broodmare to breed to a Friesian stud for a Warlander foal. I have already been down to visit the facility where she will be kept and the gal’s personal references gave glowing green reviews. I am pouring over lease contracts now and trying to make sure that they are as airtight as can be. Once the contracts are finalized and the horse insurance is in place, Baya will be headed 90 minutes south to her new temporary home near Eureka, California. This is sort of bittersweet to me but I do feel it is the best option for my mare.

Breyer Furano 711243

On a model horse related note, we have most of the BreyerFest 2016 Exclusive Special Run Models for sale but I have been slow to list them. We have one of all of the glossy Samba Surprise horses available except for the palomino. We have most of the Mercado Store Specials as well as the Single Day Stablemates. If there is one in particular that you are looking for, please feel free to inquire. The Breyer 2016 Mid Year releases arrived. Sadly, Poltergeist was damaged en route to our distributor and it looks as though we may not be receiving any Halloween horses this year. Bummer!

Breyer 1768 Brunello




Richochet 4th Release in the Stablemates Collector Club

Breyer Richochet 712190 Breyer Richochet 712190

The 4th release in the 2016 Breyer Stablemates Collector Club is 712190 Richochet. He is the G3 Rearing Andalusian mold in a pearly white and pink decorator. I have a couple of Richochet’s available for $45ppd and as of the time of this post, he can be shipped directly from Breyer.

Here is what Breyer has to say about Richochet:



Breyer Richochet 712190

Breyer Richochet 712190

Breyer Richochet 712190

The 4th Model in the Stablemates Collector Club

Resplendent in pearl and shimmery pink, Richochet is a pretty decorator with a lacy dappled pattern. Exclusively available to Stablemates Club members!






Breyer Web Exclusive Triton and the Shire A & B Molds

Have you seen Triton, Breyer’s newest Web Exclusive? He is the Classics Shire A mold (opposed to the Shire B with the tuckedBreyer Triton 712185 head.) Triton is a glossy black leopard appaloosa with shading and blue mane and tail ribbons. I do have some Tritons on order and I’m excited to see how he looks in person. I suspect that Breyer’s stock photo isn’t doing Triton and favors.

Here is what Breyer has to say about Triton:

With his proud pose and loud leopard appaloosa coat, Triton is sure to catch everyone’s eye. He sports blue bows in his mane and tail which accent his rich shading and high gloss finish. 1/12 scale and comes in a mail order box.



Breyer Flurry 711990Breyer Frosty 711991Purely for comparison purposes here is a picture of Flurry on the left who was a 2013 Breyer Web Special Run and sold out quickly. He is the Shire A mold.

Here is a picture of Frosty on the right who was a 2014 Breyer Web Special Run and also sold out quickly. He is the Shire B Mold.





Breyer CosetteBreyer Julien and SophiaI’m curious to see if Triton is another of those Web Special Runs that will sell out in a few weeks or if he will take longer to sell out like Cosette who is pictured on the left.

And Julian and Sophia who are pictured on the right.

I have both of these available for sale in my       eBay Store.







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